Bio Pros 247 Atlanta GA

Bio Pros 247 Atlanta

Crime Scene and Bio-Hazard Cleaning Services in Atlanta GA

Bio Pros 24/7 is a professional restoration company that specializes in trauma and biohazard cleanup. We offer our restoration services to any and all customers who have a property that has recently been affected by a trauma or biohazard. This includes both commercial and residential properties. Bio Pros 24/7 is the #1 licensed and certified restoration company that will get your cleanup job done right and at a price that you can afford. If your property is in need of cleanup that stems from a trauma or biohazard.

If you are dealing with an unexpected trauma or bio-hazard disaster at your property, you need a company you can trust. Bio Pros 24/7 is state certified and has extensive experience to help minimize the disruption to your property.

Infectious disease contamination may be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, and pathogens. They can be airborne or live on surfaces in affected areas. These biohazards are often invisible and difficult to detect, making a biohazard cleanup service a good option if you suspect contamination. A professional service will deliver biohazard remediation and communicable disease disinfection. This service differs from crime scene cleanup as it focused more on eliminating the spread of dangerous pathogens.  

What sets Bio Pros 24/7 apart from other trauma cleanup companies is our commitment to professional cleanup services that are both discreet and flexible. At Bio Pros 24/7 we understand that trauma cleanup is unlike any other type of cleanup. That is why we only send our most experienced cleanup teams to do the job at your home or business.

Bio Pros 24/7 has years of experience with biohazard cleanup. This is just one more reason that we are the #1 biohazard cleanup company. If you are in need of our timely and cost-effective biohazard cleanup services during the Covid-19 pandemic, give us a call today!

Bio Pros 247 Atlanta
19th Street NW Atlanta GA, 30363
